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Reusable Open Source Design Kit for Electric Pool Vehicles

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International. The Kosel research project team at the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany has developed a modular open-source, closed-loop system consisting of particularly durable and reusable modules.

Car manufacturing requires energy and resources on a large scale. Higher vehicle mileage could result in a significant drop in continuous energy demand during production, while considerably reducing natural resource extraction.

This is where the Kosel research project comes in, a project in which the Institute has joined forces with industry and research partners: vehicle components that have a long service life can be used for several vehicle life cycles and therefore do not need to be produced again.

Within the framework of Kosel, the project team has developed the basic concept of a light electric commercial vehicle with a permissible total weight of 3.5 metric tonnes, whose components are completely modular.

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The three main modules (front, battery box and rear) are connected to each other via fixed interfaces, which means that replacement work can be done very easily.

"With this modular closed-loop system, it is possible to replace individual or complete vehicle components. As a result, most vehicle components will have a longer service life. Repair costs are reduced and the vehicle can run economically for longer," explains Patryk Nossol, researcher at Fraunhofer IWU's Department of Systems and Technologies for Textile Structures (STEX) in Zittau, Germany.

The electric vehicle platform has been designed and prototyped for a lifespan of up to 30 years and mileage of up to one million kilometers in different deployment scenarios.

The material concept foresees the use of durable materials predominantly in sections that are subject to high stresses and intended for repeated reuse. Carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) are best suited for this purpose.

"It is true that these materials have a comparatively high CO2 footprint in production. However, when used correctly, they compensate with their low mass and, not least, their extraordinary resistance to fatigue over long periods of use," explains Nossol.

"CFRP is the preferred alternative when these hidden assemblies are used for more than one life cycle, as they are in this concept," he adds.
Carbon fiber reinforced plastic is best suited for use in the threshold area due to its durability.

"In this area, the shock absorbers, which are made of CFRP tubes, are arranged at different angles to protect against different angles of impact. For better replaceability, we place the absorbers in modules and install them in pot-shaped receptacles," says Nossol.

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The Kosel recyclable mobility concept is intended for fleet vehicles with an average number of units. The precondition is a circular value chain that allows the inspection and, if necessary, reworking of individual components after the first life cycle.

The concept is intended to serve as a model and spark other similar developments in the mobility industry. In particular, having a fully developed closed-loop electric vehicle platform as a standard solution can reduce development costs and risks.

Open source interfaces will also make it attractive for vendors to offer suitable standard components.

Federico Duarte
Author: Federico Duarte
Editor en Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador social y periodista con experiencia de más de 15 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por hacer de la vida una historia para contar. [email protected]

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