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Special line of fuel pumps

Delphi Technologies
Additions to the Sparta line cover 4.9 million VIO in the U.S. and nearly 347,000 VIO in Canada. Products include fuel pump module assemblies, fuel tank shipping units, fuel pump filters, mechanical and electrical fuel pumps, and fuel pump check valves.

The 142 new part numbers are comprised of: 35 new parts to expand your fuel portfolio, including fuel pump filter assemblies, fuel pump module and suspension assemblies, and fuel transfer units, all of which undergo OE quality testing for reliability and durability.

In addition they have 21 new part numbers for their steering line and suspension already has a sales coverage of 98%. This includes ball joint and control arm assemblies, control arm bushings, steering bar ends, and more. Major applications for these parts include Chrysler, GM, Honda, Lexus and Toyota, covering 16.2 million VIO in the United States and 1.6 million VIO in Canada.



Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Author: Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Coordinadora Académica KNX. Editora en Latin Press, Inc. Candidata al título: Magister en Economía Aplicada, con amplia experiencia en medios de comunicación y Políticas Públicas. [email protected]

One thought on “ Special line of fuel pumps”

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  1. Rigoberto segura alba
    Friday, 14 April 2023 12:22
    Fantástico una muy completa línea de elementos para sistemas de combustible.

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